
InwrittenEnglishusage,acommaspliceorcommafaultistheuseofacommatojointwoindependentclauses.Forexample:Itisnearlyhalfpastfive, ...,2022年7月25日—Acommaspliceisagrammaticalerrorthatoccurswhenacommaisusedtojointwoindependentclauseswithoutaconjunction.Anindependent ...,Commasplicesoccurwhentwoindependentclausesareincorrectlyjoinedwithacomma.Inotherwords,thewordsoneachsideofthecommacouldformtheir .....

Comma splice

In written English usage, a comma splice or comma fault is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses. For example: It is nearly half past five, ...

Comma Splice

2022年7月25日 — A comma splice is a grammatical error that occurs when a comma is used to join two independent clauses without a conjunction. An independent ...

Comma Splices

Comma splices occur when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined with a comma. In other words, the words on each side of the comma could form their ...

Fixing Comma Splices

What is a Comma Splice? A comma splice occurs when you use a comma to join two complete sentences without placing an appropriate joining word between them.

Fixing Comma Splices

A comma splice occurs when you use a comma to join two complete sentences without placing an appropriate joining word between them. The comma just isn't strong ...

What Is a Comma Splice? How to Fix Comma Splices

2021年8月25日 — A comma splice occurs when a writer uses a comma to join two independent clauses without using a conjunction to link them. A run-on sentence ...

What Is a Comma Splice? With Examples

2023年6月1日 — A comma splice happens when you join two complete sentences with a comma and no conjunction. Here are three ways to fix it.


2014年10月9日 — 連寫句有兩種類型:融合句(fused sentence)和逗號拼接句(comma splice)。 當獨立子句間沒有標點符號或對等連接詞將其分開時,該句為融合句:. My ...

英語世界:Comma splice 逗點的謬誤

2013年1月30日 — 這種錯誤是在於「,」逗號(comma)的使用。 逗號作為標點符號,其作用是把多個字詞(words)或片語(phrases)連接起來,而不是把兩個句子(sentences)或 ...


連寫句的例子是逗號拼接(comma splice),其中,兩個獨立的子句直接使用逗號連接,而沒有使用協調連詞來配合。 有些規範文法(linguistic prescription)依據 ...

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